Boost conversions
with Haggle!

Turn abandoned carts into sales

How does it work?

Imagine a scenario where a customer visits your website, adds something to their shopping cart but doesn't complete the purchase. Despite sending them follow-up emails, they still don't convert.

  • 1. Add Haggle Link

    Create automated haggling steps on our platform & simply add the generated Haggle link to your outgoing emails

  • The customer clicks on the Haggle Link

    Once clicked, they are taken through predefined haggling steps. These steps can include personalized offers, discounts, or incentives tailored to the individual customer

  • Haggle engages the customer

    By engaging customers in a dynamic negotiation process, Haggle creates a sense of value and urgency, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates

  • Customer aggrees & accepts the offer

    The order is seamlessly processed. Their preferences and agreed-upon terms are recorded, ensuring a smooth and satisfying transaction

  • You receive the incoming order

    As soon as the order is finalized, you receive a notification with all the details. From there, you can fulfill the order.

  • Pay for success!

    You only pay when we make a sale! You can trust that we're invested in fair deals

Get notified the moment it's released!

We'll only send you one email to let you know when we launch.