Boost conversions
with Haggle!
Turn abandoned carts into sales
How does it work?
Imagine a scenario where a customer visits your website, adds something to their shopping cart but doesn't complete the purchase. Despite sending them follow-up emails, they still don't convert.
1. Add Haggle Link
Create automated haggling steps on our platform & simply add the generated Haggle link to your outgoing emails
The customer clicks on the Haggle Link
Once clicked, they are taken through predefined haggling steps. These steps can include personalized offers, discounts, or incentives tailored to the individual customer
Haggle engages the customer
By engaging customers in a dynamic negotiation process, Haggle creates a sense of value and urgency, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates
Customer aggrees & accepts the offer
The order is seamlessly processed. Their preferences and agreed-upon terms are recorded, ensuring a smooth and satisfying transaction
You receive the incoming order
As soon as the order is finalized, you receive a notification with all the details. From there, you can fulfill the order.
Pay for success!
You only pay when we make a sale! You can trust that we're invested in fair deals